Die Suche ergab 28 Treffer

von jorola
9. Jul 2024, 12:16
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2305

Re: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500

Hi Fasse.
Do you need any further information on this problem ?
Or did you find a solution?
BR Johnny
von jorola
1. Jul 2024, 11:02
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2305

Re: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500

Follow up: I didn't have debug mode turned on. With debug mode, it's not accessible, I get the following: S Q L - E R R O R SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '2-1' for key 'admidio_user_data.admidio_idx_usd_usr_usf_id' CODE: 23000 B A C K T R A C E FILE: adm_progr...
von jorola
1. Jul 2024, 10:41
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2305

Re: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500

Hi Fasse. No, only the message from updating: [2024-06-28 07:59:39.885342] Admidio.WARNING: UPDATE: Database-Version is lower than the filesystem! {"versionDB":"4.3.9","versionFileSystem":"4.3.10"} {"file":"/var/www/xxxx/public_html/Medlemmer/ad...
von jorola
28. Jun 2024, 08:14
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Cant rename file og folder, http error 500
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2305

Cant rename file og folder, http error 500

hi. I get an http 500 error when trying to rename a file or folder in the Documents library: From the log: Folder: 28. jun 08:05:25 500 GET /Medlemmer/adm_program/modules/documents-files/rename.php?folder_uuid=adf58ad2-1695-421a-abf8-201f873094f3 File: 28. jun 08:00:05 500 GET /Medlemmer/adm_program...
von jorola
21. Jun 2024, 07:17
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Cant remove administrator - workaround
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1167

Re: Cant remove administrator - workaround

Hi Fasse.
Thanks, it works
BR Johnny
von jorola
19. Jun 2024, 10:57
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Cant remove administrator - workaround
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1167

Cant remove administrator - workaround

Hi. We have 5 administrators. I'm trying to remove one (not myself), but it just doesn't work. It shows as removed,but is still present in the list of administrators. The screendump shows the situation after removal. I then tried in the administrator group to unselect membership for the member, stil...
von jorola
14. Jun 2024, 12:46
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Delete / remove organisation
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 1748

Delete / remove organisation

Is it possible to remove a (sub)-organisation?
We made one, but it's not to be used anymore.
BR Johnny
von jorola
20. Mär 2024, 16:04
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Big problems after update from 4.2.14 to 4.3.5
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2591

Re: Big problems after update from 4.2.14 to 4.3.5

Hi Fasse. I've played around on https://www.admidio.org/playground. Currently I've set all groups to NOT recieve e-mails, incl. the Members group. Also all groups (except admin) can't send e-mails. I've created myself as a member of Members. After login, I can send messages to all members of Members...
von jorola
17. Mär 2024, 20:32
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Big problems after update from 4.2.14 to 4.3.5
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2591

Re: Big problems after update from 4.2.14 to 4.3.5

Hi Fasse. It's a bit of a problem with all being able to see each other in the same role. We have a field which is set true if a person wants to be seen by others. (Re: GDPR). We filter on this field in the role list. This is not possible any more, but I may be able to do a workaround for this with ...
von jorola
17. Mär 2024, 16:58
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Big problems after update from 4.2.14 to 4.3.5
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2591

Big problems after update from 4.2.14 to 4.3.5

Hi. I have some problems after update to new latest version. First - the list of contact persons seems available to all that are logged in !! Even if not allowed to see other roles all contacts, disregard of role, are visible. The contact list should only be available for those allowed to see other ...
von jorola
13. Jan 2024, 19:04
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Error 500 after upgrade to 4.3.0
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1330

Re: Error 500 after upgrade to 4.3.0

Hi Fasse.
Thanks and ok, following some series on NDR and ZDF, so do understand a bit.
(with DK subtitles).
BR Johnny
von jorola
13. Jan 2024, 14:26
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Error 500 after upgrade to 4.3.0
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1330

Re: Error 500 after upgrade to 4.3.0

OK, You are quite right. But the step of deleting the Theme folder and update this too, is not presented in the readme.md file. So this is easily forgotten, if not reading the online documentation. Suggest the readme.md file steps for updating is changed to be: 1. Delete the folders "adm_progra...
von jorola
13. Jan 2024, 11:17
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Error 500 after upgrade to 4.3.0
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1330

Error 500 after upgrade to 4.3.0

Hi. I Get http error 500 accessing adm_program/overview.php after upgrade to 4.3.0 from 4.2.13. This happens after update of database, which seemed to work. BR Johnny From error log: (client and site anonymized) Log in reverse order. [13/Jan/2024:09:50:35 +0100] [client w.x.y.z] [host xxx.yy] [host ...
von jorola
14. Okt 2023, 08:39
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Fresh install - Admin Login not Activated yet
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 1400

Re: Fresh install - Admin Login not Activated yet

If you have access to the database, in the table _users, change the field usr_valid for the admin user from 0 to 1.
If it's already 1, I must admit I don't have a clue.

BR Johnny
von jorola
14. Okt 2023, 08:20
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Wrong translation for Danish in System messages
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 1170

Wrong translation for Danish in System messages

Hi. This is for the Danish translation of Admidio. In system messages, for lost password, the variable for the password #variable1# has mistakenly been translated to Danish #variabel1#, so the message gets wrong. Easy to change though, but would be nice if it could be changed for future updates. da....