Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von schast
9. Mär 2024, 13:25
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Can't get to/through installation wizard
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 759

Re: Can't get to/through installation wizard

Hi saidou, I can't reproduce the issue with your docker config. Can you please provide the full logfile from docker container after first startup? Are there any SQL connection errors? Have you created the SQL db with correct user/password rights? Can you reach the installation.php directly with http...
von schast
15. Jul 2021, 08:08
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: setup admidio behind traefik
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 5994

Re: setup admidio behind traefik

Hi Cristóbal, sorry for the late reply. The pull request (https://github.com/Admidio/admidio/pull/1064) fixes point 2 and subsequent errors 1 and 3. Can you please change your paths from '/var/www/admidio' to '/opt/app-root/src'. What's your Traefik configuration? Hi again. So I wanted to point out ...