How to Use E-mail Templates

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Registriert: 16. Mai 2024, 00:05

How to Use E-mail Templates

Beitrag von heathology »

Hello again,

Another question I had (which I thought should be a separate topic) relates to the e-mail templates under System Notifications. I was specifically looking for an email which would send the users their passwords. I will be uploading a CSV file with all the member data (including first and last name, email, address, membership type, etc.). I was curious about setting up passwords for all my members (there will be over 300 when I actually import the real CSV file).

Scenario A: If my CSV file does not contain username and password, but the contact is created within the system, how can a member create a username and password for their account?

Scenario B: If my CSV file does contain the username and password, how do I send this information to the member with the least amount of work?

For Scenario B, I thought the E-mail templates under System Notifications would work. I thought I could just copy one of the templates, go to the Messages, paste the template into the message body, and make sure that the email recipients were all members (or each membership role one at a time??). I am unsure of exactly how to do this. I looked through the documentation, but it does not really explain this process. I just want to make sure that this is actually what I am looking for and if I am doing it correctly.

