Login Error - cookies

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Registriert: 5. Jan 2023, 04:13

Login Error - cookies

Beitrag von mnaczk »

Hi, after second login as admin I have a Note:

Log-in error! Your browser does not accept cookies!

For successful log-in, please, configure your browser to accept cookies from domain.com

I only have this probkem in Chrome. If I clear the cookies in the browser it works and I can log in but only once. Next time I have the same note. All cookies are accepted in Chrome settings. The same problem occurs in Chrome for Android.
I don't have this problem only on Edge.
Admidio v. 4.1.17

Anybody can help me to solve this problem?
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Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Login Error - cookies

Beitrag von fasse »

That sounds strange. Since now I haven't hear this issue from anybody else. So I don't know what is different within your installation :(
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 5. Jan 2023, 04:13

Re: Login Error - cookies

Beitrag von mnaczk »

I saw somebody post that have the same problem in previous versions, but these solutions dosn't help me.
All cookies in my Chrome are accepted and I have manually added my domain to the exceptions - websites that can always use cookies in Chrome settings.

Anybody can help me?
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Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 5. Jan 2023, 04:13

Re: Login Error - cookies

Beitrag von mnaczk »

For posterity!
I found the solution:

in the config.php file,add the line:

$gSetCookieForDomain = 1;