Problem with approving new members

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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 21. Mär 2024, 11:40

Problem with approving new members

Beitrag von mynetpeople »

Persons with the permission "Organise and assign registrations" are not able to see the username for a new user who has registered and requires approval, therefore the username is not applied for the approved user and they can't login.

What's the point of having that permission if it doesn't allow the essential requirement?

As the system administrator the username is visible when approving new members, but this should also be the case for users with permission.

How can I change this so that people with the appropriate permission CAN ensure the username is added to a new user's approved profile?
Beiträge: 6114
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Problem with approving new members

Beitrag von fasse »

It's possible to see the username also for persons with the permission "Organise and assign registrations".
You will see the username on the registration card and also if you call the profile.

But you can't see it in the edit dialog and change the username. The username and password are very private data and should not be changed and edited by other users. The admin has this right so he can do changes if users had problems.

Why do you want to edit usernames in your system?
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 21. Mär 2024, 11:40

Re: Problem with approving new members

Beitrag von mynetpeople »

I don't want to edit usernames.
I want the people with the appropriate permissions to be able to approve the new members and the chosen username be added to the new profile.

At the moment this does NOT happen.

I've added screenshots to show what I mean.
permitted.jpg (7.53 KiB) 2137 mal betrachtet
sysadm.jpg (8.19 KiB) 2137 mal betrachtet
People WITH permission to administer new registrations don't see the username and so it is NOT added to the new profile and therefore the new user CANNOT log in!
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 21. Mär 2024, 11:40

Re: Problem with approving new members

Beitrag von mynetpeople »

Surely it's a simple thing to add a hidden input field with the username for users with permission to administer new user registrations?

The field IS there when a system administrator views a new registration to be approved, so why don't users who have been assigned the appropriate permission?
Beiträge: 6114
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Problem with approving new members

Beitrag von fasse »

Thanks for the detailed description. Now I understand the problem.

I made a fix (unfortunately after the release of 4.3.6). Please replace the extracted file in the folder adm_program/modules/profile

After that users with the right to approve new registrations could also edit the username and the name will than be stored within the database.
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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 21. Mär 2024, 11:40

Re: Problem with approving new members

Beitrag von mynetpeople »

That works perfectly!!!!!

THANK YOU for your help and keep up the great work. Apart from this minor problem it's a great script and with a few very minor modifications it was made to suit the needs of an established and thriving local canoe club.